A webinar for the Parent Center Network premiering this essential new product.
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Center for Parent Information and Resources (CPIR)
Webinar Date: September 18, 2018
- Ana Espada, Advocates for Children of New York
- Carolyn Hayer, SPAN Parent Advocacy Network
- Susan Henderson, Disability Rights Education & Defense Fund (DREDF)
- Curtis Jones, Mission Empower
- Peg Kinsell, SPAN Parent Advocacy Network

Children and youth with disabilities are at increased risk for delinquency and justice system involvement. Further, youth with disabilities are over-represented in the justice system, often without access to the special education and health services they are entitled to. Parent Centers are a valuable resource to families of justice involved youth who often struggle to understand the justice system and frequently have questions regarding education, health care, re-entry, and more. The Juvenile Justice Toolkit was developed to help Parent Centers support families navigating the justice system.
Join the panel members that created this toolkit as they detail the resources it contains for Parent Centers to access when they assist families of youth who have become involved in the Juvenile Justice system.
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